Darknet Dictionary
Silk Road 2.0
It is the successor to Silk Road 1.0. Version two of the market was taken down by law enforcement agencies in Operation Onymous. The admin of the DNM Blake Benthall (Defcon) too was arrested.
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Sep 04, 2023The government is out of control over anything to do with drugs. The State has become a criminal organization of the scale of biblical proportions. The 60billion plus government extremely selfservicing and a ti billion dollar little branch of Federal government and if it really does w the best for people, I have nver committed acrime to get any drug. I have been in pI have paid 40 years of taxes and if a woman wants to take the life from her child inside her, she is aided by the State but lord forbid if you or me just might want or need to get high, we are called addicts and criminals. I don't know about you but sometimes I have to do some speed to keep getting up and going in and working myself to death, a Xanax when I'm stressed and a strong opiate when I'm in pain like I am. I use the so called dark web to get quality products now and I won't be caught, so anyway Government you can't stop drugs or the DWeb.