
Drug Delivery: The Exciting Journey Between Your Mailbox And Theirs
Last updated : March 14, 2025

Drug Delivery: The Exciting Journey Between Your Mailbox And Theirs


Ever wondered how certain packages find their way to your mailbox discreetly? Delve into the intriguing world of drug delivery, a journey full of secrets and complexities. Uncover the methods behind this discreet process in this insightful guide.


I've been thinking about what else I can do to make it easier for people to mail weed, and I think one avenue I should explore is what happens to letters and small parcels once they're in the mail. This has a lot to do with how you package your package, because I think a lot of people don't realize how easy it is for packages and letters to get ripped up, ripped open, soggy, and even tear.

Let’s start with letter-mail first. When you mail a letter to a post office or to your mailbox or choose it as one of the most efficient drug delivery systems, your letter goes into an automatic canceling machine. Automated canceling machines do most of the work for you. They turn your mail upside down, cancel your stamp(s), and sort your mail.




Important Information On Drug Delivery And Mails


  • Most people don't know that almost every letter that goes through the mail is photographed. That's up to 60 letters a minute!
  • Each machine can perform the following functions:
    • Take a photo of your letter!
    • Create a one-of-a-kind florescent ID tag that's placed on the back of a letter.
    • Automatically sort out through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
  • There are a lot of people who believe that you can just type “hand cancel” and it won’t work on these machines.
  • Think again. In other words, if you do put items in envelopes, like seeds, be careful.
  • I don’t know why I haven’t seen more ripped-up letters from a Canadian seed supplier because their encryption would almost certainly disable the machine and most likely rip the envelope in half, leaving you in the lurch.
  • Be careful when sending any kind of mail as a drug delivery system, each machine tears out an average of 50 pieces per day. Most main offices have up to 30 or 40 sorting machines.
  • In the case of flat-mail pieces, such as large flat manilla envelopes, the sortation process is very similar to that of letter-mail. On the other hand, small parcels are not. They are sent from your local post office to a main post office unit, where they are sent to a small parcel and bundle sorter, also known as a SPBS.


At this machine, there is a clerk sitting at a console. They take each small parcel, look at the zip code and enter the keys in a 4-digit code based on the mail type and the zip code. This is one of the places where a lot of mail gets damaged, and this is what you need to be aware of.

  • We’ve all received bad mail before. It’s just a part of life. But when you’re sending mail-order drugs, it’s not an option. The small packages travel through automated conveyor belts to the clerk.
  • Mail of all shapes and sizes gets dropped, thrown away, broken, and otherwise handled together. I once knew someone had about an ounce of mail in a thick, padded envelope because I smelled it through a rip caused by a big package hitting it. I put some thick brown tape over the hole as a kind gesture to a fellow adventurous soul. Mail falls into bags or baskets, and it can go anywhere, under anything.
  • Sometimes mail gets waterlogged for some reason, and when that happens, there's a good chance it'll tear. That's why I make sure I put my contraband in something hard like an open VHS tape or even a clamshell, and then tape it shut.
  • I place it in a larger vessel, typically not a rigid container, but one that is padded and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Finally, the mail reaches your local post office, where your mail carrier picks it up. In other words, yes, your mail does get messed up occasionally.
  • I used to be pretty mad about how often machines broke my mail, but in the big picture, every single man, woman and child on the planet would have to sort 2 hours of mail every day just to cope with the volume, which never stops, not even on weekends and holidays.
  • Whether you like it or not, your mail goes through machines. Just don’t expect them to sort your mail neatly from one bag to another.
  • Pack it in such a way that the recipient has to work a little bit to open it, it's just easier that way.
  • I would definitely recommend first class mail. First class means there is a good chance that it will be delivered by truck. We have a “strategic” agreement with FedEx that allows us to send Priority mail on their aircraft. I don’t know what happens when our Priority mail goes on their aircraft.
  • First class items are usually exempt from warrantless searches. Just make sure you pack your items very carefully so they won’t pop off even if our 70-year-olds throw 40 lb boxes at it from 40 feet away.
  • Make sure it smells good! I once had a hazardous materials supervisor called in to deal with a really bad-smelling package, and he took it away from the sender and sent them a note telling them they were sending something illegal and not to do it again.
  • However, FedEx and UPS don't have the same level of protection as the USPS.
  • If postal inspectors are trying to get you to admit to something, they'll usually go after the people who pick out the mail first. That means first class mail, not media mail, library mail, priority mail, or express mail. Priority and express mail have the same protections as first class mail, but they go on planes.



Possible Unjustified Practices At The Post Office


I experienced a situation at my workplace where I was sent to the post office, which was concerning due to the fact that I have a history of sending mail-order drugs. However, it was also regrettable.

I had a co-worker bring me a legal-sized envelope with a bulge in it that looked like beans and had a strong smell of pot coming out of the cracks on the corner. It was pretty obvious what was in it, so my co-worker put it in the HAZMAT container. The HAZMAT employee took it out, opened it (which I think is against the rules) and found a small bag of pot with some whole coffee beans (not grounds) wrapped around it. He gave the bag to another supervisor to throw away.

I don't know what's going on here (to make sure it's destroyed) and he just leaves a message inside the envelope and sends it away. The message says that someone was sending you drugs and we hope it doesn't happen again. Postal inspectors don't get involved unless they find a lot of drugs. What worries me is the question of the sanctity of first class mail.

I'm the only one who can open a piece of first class mail that doesn't look like it has any dangerous stuff in it. Postal inspectors and police with a warrant are the only ones who can.

It's great to know that small amounts of cannabis don't usually get noticed, but it's scary to think that someone might see, smell, or feel your mail and think it's pot. Say a cat pees on your mail and someone opens it thinking it's meth. The envelope didn't have any hazmat in it, didn't show any hazmat identifiers, didn't get opened by a postal inspector, or hazmat employee who probably didn't have a valid reason to open it in the first place. But you're right, the person who opened it was an idiot.

I think the most important thing you need to know right now is that if you are shipping marijuana or any other drug, seal it up and make sure the outside of the package is clean, preferably with rubbing alcohol. Make sure you are very careful and not high when you do this, so you can feel it objectively. A good way to do this is to put it in the car the night before, and the next day, see if you can feel it when you get into the car.

The Post Office doesn't cut small holes in envelopes to check for anthrax, and there's no equipment that can pick it up that fast since their letter sorting machines can go through up to 60 letters a second. So I'm guessing your friends who used to work there were just casual employees, not permanent ones.

I've seen a lot of seed envelopes and other types of drug-related stuff and I know exactly what they are, but I didn't break them up or tell the inspectors.



Things To Keep In Mind While Sending Drugs And Spores


Some of my friends said, 

"I've ordered spores before under the name Job Applicant out of paranoia. It might be smarter than an alias." 

I'm talking from personal experience. I won't tell you how much was sent or where, but I will tell you it was from an overseas country to the US. I really don't want to put this info in here because it can be used to catch people eventually, but I'll tell you a few things.

  1. It is important to ensure that the product is placed in an airtight container that does not allow for any movement.
  2. If you’re shipping over sea, mail it by parcel post, not by air. It’ll take longer (4 weeks for me) because it’s on a ship, but it’s also much cheaper and there’s a lot more cargo, so there’s less chance of being intercepted.
  3. Don't mask the smell with anything like pepper, and make sure it's hidden inside another food item. Use multiple containers and have some decoys ready to go.
  4. Use a fake return address of course, but make sure it's someone else's real address to avoid any confusion.
  5. Make sure you mark the real contents of the container (except the contraband) so if it's opened, it won't alert anyone. They're not allowed to open food containers, which is why I told you to use them. Unless they can smell the smell, of course. So make sure you wrap your contraband up tight and lots of times.
  6. It is not recommended to use aluminum foil, as hollow balls of foil may be visible when x-rayed. Care should be taken when using aluminum foil.
  7. Customs can open food containers and anything that looks suspicious. I remember one time they opened and resealed about 5 of the 20 big packages from Laos that had dried fish in them.
  8. The only thing customs can't check is personal mail. The only thing they wouldn't open out of politeness would be perishable stuff like canned kippered fish.
  9. Get the right postage, all you have to do is place it in the blue box.
  10. If the item weighs more than 16 ounces, it must be submitted to a live postal worker for round-date purposes. This is not a USPS rule, but rather a FAA rule.
  11. Never send a parcel with no return address. You don’t have to use your return address. Just make sure it’s real. If for any reason the parcel is not delivered, it will open at the mail reclaim center. When they see there are drugs in the package, they will call the postal inspectors. The postal inspectors will investigate the original sender. I love postal inspectors. Of all the law enforcement agencies in the country, they’re the only ones I’m really afraid of. Nothing’s scarier than the postal worker walking around with a gun.
  12. Don't use too much postage on your mail. It's a sign you didn't mean to send it. Most mail bombs have too much postage on them.
  13. Don't mail from a local PO because even if they don't know who you are, they can look at your phone logs to see who's been calling from there.



Final Thoughts

The journey of drug delivery is both complex and intriguing, spanning from your mailbox to their hands. As technology and methods evolve, it's crucial to stay informed and cautious. The landscape may change, but the importance of safety remains constant. Whether it's through discreet packaging, secure addresses, or responsible choices, ensuring a safe and responsible drugs delivery process is paramount. So, as you navigate this world, keep these lessons in mind to make informed decisions and prioritize the well-being of all involved.


Published at : 26/08/2023

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